
  • Titolo:
    SAINTBARTH. Slavery, Abolition and Archipelagic Connections in the Swedish Caribbean
  • Tipologia incarico:
    Progetto di ricerca europeo
  • Paese:
  • Scadenza:
    31-12-2028 - Ore 00:00
  • Descrizione:

    An unknown aspect of slavery: the Swedish Caribbean colonialism

    The institution of slavery has been part of human history since antiquity and was only abolished in the 19th century. A large scholarly literature has examined slavery and the slave trade. However, the subject has predominantly been investigated in the context of large colonial powers. The EU-funded SAINTBARTH project will investigate a previously unstudied facet of slavery and the slave trade: the centennial Swedish presence in the Caribbean. The island of Saint Barthélemy was Swedish from 1785 to 1787 and the project investigates for the first time Swedish Caribbean history based on information from the previously inaccessible Swedish government colonial archive held in France. The project will provide significant insight into Swedish colonialism and the history of slavery in the Caribbean archipelago.

  • Principal Investigator:

    Fredrik Thomasson