
  • Titolo:
    DISCOMPOSE. Disasters, Communication and Politics in Southwestern Europe
  • Tipologia incarico:
    Progetto di ricerca europeo
  • Paese:
  • Scadenza:
    31-01-2024 - Ore 17:15
  • Descrizione:

    DisComPoSE examines the European and extra-European territories of the Hispanic Monarchy between the 16th and 18th centuries, and intends to understand how specific interpretations of environmental disasters influenced the evolution of cultural frameworks, of social relations and of power structures in ancien régime societies.

    The project Disasters, Communication and Politics in Southwestern Europe: the Making of Emergency Response Policies in the Early Modern Age (DisComPoSE) investigates the connections between the circulation of news about natural disasters, the processing of information about such events and the development of emergency management policies.

    The five-year project is financed by the European Research Council (ERC) and is hosted by the Department of Humanities of the University of Naples Federico II. It involves scholars from different fields: from social and cultural history to the history of institutions, from textual criticism to the history of language and images, from anthropology to the history of science.

  • Principal Investigator:

    Domenico Cecere