
  • Titolo:
    Rethinking Mary in Early Modern Italy: Men's and Women's perspectives on the Virgin Mary (1450-1650)
  • Tipologia incarico:
    Progetto di ricerca europeo
  • Paese:
  • Scadenza:
    05-09-2023 - Ore 00:00
  • Descrizione:

    The Virgin Mary as a role model

    The project explores the role of early modern literary representations of the Virgin Mary by men and women in the construction of early modern Italian women’s identity. Mary is the most important, controversial and ambivalent female symbol in Western culture. Since the Middle Ages, her literary and artistic representations have been connected to womanhood.

    A corpus of literary works on the Virgin Mary written by Italian men and women between ca.1450 and 1650 will be identified and evaluated and will be included in a searchable bibliographical digital repertory.

    While offering a first comprehensive study of the impact of the literary representation of the Virgin Mary in Italian culture, the project challenges the idea that the Virgin was only a passive and submissive role model for women. It’s considering how she was used by lay and religious women writers as a powerful model of womanhood and how she influenced women's self-representation.

  • Principal Investigator:

    Eleonora Carinci