
  • Titolo:
    VegSciLif. The Emergence of a Science of Vegetation in Early Modern Natural Philosophy and the Sciences of Life: From Cesalpino to Malpighi
  • Tipologia incarico:
    Progetto di ricerca europeo
  • Paese:
  • Scadenza:
    14-01-2024 - Ore 00:00
  • Descrizione:

    From philosophical study of nature of plants to contemporary biology and physiology

    Scientists have directed attention to the long-forgotten, early modern period of philosophical studies of plants. In the 16th and 17th centuries, two distinct scholars – physician Andrea Cesalpino and, later, physiologist Marcello Malpighi, inspired by Aristotle’s works – created philosophical frameworks for studying the nature of plants, through their observations and principles of classification. Their work enabled development of a science of life. The EU-funded VegSciLif project supports an individual fellowship for investigating and reconstructing how those early concepts of vegetation and vegetal life led to the development of contemporary physiology, interconnected living systems and morphologies of the 18th century.

  • Principal Investigator:

    Fabrizio Baldassarri