
  • Titolo:
    Civil War Bluejackets Project Conference - The Common Navy Sailor in the Long Nineteenth Century, 1775-1914
  • Paese:
    United States
  • Scadenza:
    04-09-2024 - Ore 23:59
  • Descrizione:


    Civil War Bluejackets Project Conference, January 30- February 1, 2025, Annapolis, Maryland, United States

    The Common Navy Sailor in the Long Nineteenth Century, 1775-1914

    The Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) supported research project, Civil War Bluejackets: Race, Class and Ethnicity in the US Navy, issues a call for papers for its project conference to be held in collaboration with the US Naval Academy Museum, in Annapolis, Maryland, January 30-Feb 1, 2025. It seeks paper submissions from those working on enlisted Navy sailors, from any Navy, in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean worlds between the American Revolution and the beginning of the First World War. The conference particularly seeks papers on the relationships between sailors on board their respective vessels. Potential questions to be addressed include: How were class, ethnic and race relations on various national navy ships? How did common sailors view people different from them, military or civilian, in various wars and the campaign to stop the international slave trade? What impact/influence did naval proximity have on civilian communities they came in contact with, and vice-versa? What were the relations between sailors of different non-commissioned ratings (ranks) and how did they effect naval performance? How did ethnic and racial composition of naval vessels change over time? How did wartime change, if at all, the dynamics of common sailors’ lives in naval service? Did the composition of navy crews reflect the wider societies in which naval authorities enlisted recruits?

    We plan to publish a collection from the papers given at the conference.

    To help defray travel costs, some financial support will be available for early career scholars and postgraduate students accepted to the conference. Please submit completed proposals to by September 4, 2024. For more information and any questions, in the UK contact, in the US contact

    Contact Information

    Please submit completed proposals to by September 4, 2024. For more information and any questions, in the UK contact, in the US contact