- Titolo:
PAPA. Pamphlets and Patrons. How courtiers shaped the public sphere in Ancien Régime France
- Tipologia incarico:
Progetto di ricerca europeo
- Paese:
- Scadenza:
31-03-2026 - Ore 17:30
- Descrizione:
French polemical political writings were numerous during the long 18thcentury. They involved hidden political games of courtly parties fighting against each other.
The research project Pamphlet and Patrons (2021–2026) explores the relation between these polemical prints and their patrons, who often remained in the shadows. The project uses both classical historical methods and Digital Humanities tools.
Pamphlet and Patrons aims to rewrite the history of the public sphere, by showing that the public sphere in general, and more particularly unauthorised political literature, were largely shaped by members of the royal court.
- Principal Investigator:
Damien Tricoire