
  • Titolo:
    NapApps - Napoleonic Job Applications: from Personal Pleas to Modern Curriculum Vitae in Early 19th Century Europe.
  • Tipologia incarico:
    Progetto di ricerca europeo
  • Paese:
  • Scadenza:
    31-08-2024 - Ore 17:15
  • Descrizione:

    The origin of the modern CV writing

    The EU-funded NapApps project is tracing the origin of the curriculum vitae (CV) – a summary overview of someone’s life’s work – to the Napoleonic age. It was Napoleonic France that spread across Europe the revolutionary principle according to which public employment would be open to all citizens, based on their virtues and talents. Therefore, people started to apply for a job underlying their knowledge and skills. The project will apply statistical text analysis to a vast corpus of modern job applications to reveal how people interiorised these values, starting to portray themselves and behave like professionals.

  • Principal Investigator:

    Valentina Dal Cin