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Historical Research, Digital Literacy and Algorithmic Criticism - Paese:
Switzerland - Scadenza:
01-12-2023 - Ore 23:59 - Descrizione:
Digital History Switzerland 2024
We invite scholars, researchers and professionals of all levels of experience from Switzerland and beyond to submit papers on the DHCH24 conference theme: ‹Historical Research, Digital Literacy and Algorithmic Criticism›. We are particularly interested in papers that address ongoing research projects, innovative research methods, the use of software in historical research, data analysis, and digital tools.
Historical Research, Digital Literacy and Algorithmic Criticism
The Call for Contributions is open until December 1, 2023. Please visit our website for latest news and updates:
Over the past few decades, history has gradually evolved into a discipline that is inconceivable without digital tools. Research rarely begins with manual browsing in archives, but rather on the Internet. Extending the legacy of quantitative history pioneered by the Annales School, quantitative methods such as distant reading complement established methods such as close reading and discourse analysis, and are becoming increasingly important as digital collections grow. AI systems like ChatGPT create new opportunities and challenges regarding text production and source analysis. Digital literacy and algorithmic criticism are one way of responding to this shift. Both students and researchers need to be trained and sensitized to the new demands and possibilities of digital research practice. Digital tools and methods are being integrated into history education to provide students with a solid foundation for their future research activities. Research collaborations need to be rethought under the conditions of digitization, etc.
Within this general context, a lot of questions need urgently to be discussed. What are the basic elements of data literacy which every historian should know about? What is algorithmic criticism and how can it be practiced in our every-day research routines? How do we manage the data we produce during the research process? Which criteria (if any) should we use to choose a software for a specific task? Where to find help when faced with a methodological or a computer problem – or a combination of both? How to set up interdisciplinary collaborations? How do we handle technologies that some of their inventors construct as ‹black boxes›? How can we deal with the rapidly increasing demand for very different resources (e.g. technical knowledge, computing power, money)? etc.
The conference provides a platform for scholars, researchers and professionals of all ages and levels of experience to discuss these challenges, exchange experiences, share best practices, and discuss forward-looking approaches to historical research in the digital age. It aims to promote digital literacy, raise awareness of the use of algorithms and AI systems, develop strategies for dealing with digital sources, encourage shared formats and methodologies, and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and best practices for collaborative historical research. The conference will also showcase projects and research in the field of digital history.
It is planned that a selection of the papers presented at the conference will be published in a peer-reviewed open access publication. This is the first in a series of conferences that should take place every two years at a different Swiss university.
Submission Guidelines
Submission guidelines are provided on our website to ensure that your submission is properly formatted and submitted:
Moritz Twente (