
  • Titolo:
    Postdoctoral Research Fellowship "History" (Centre for History and Economics, University of Cambridge)
  • Tipologia incarico:
    Borsa post dottorato
  • Durata incarico:
    12 - 36 mesi
  • Paese:
    United Kingdom
  • Scadenza:
    29-09-2023 - Ore 23:59
  • Descrizione:

    Applications are invited for a 3-year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in history, starting on 1 October 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The post is in connection with the research programme on economic and environmental history. The programme is based at the Centre for History and Economics, Magdalene College, Cambridge University.

    Postdoctoral Research Fellowship "History"

    Applications are invited for a 3-year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in history, starting on 1 October 2024. The post is in connection with the research programme on economic and environmental history. The programme is based at the Centre for History and Economics, Magdalene College, Cambridge University, and is coordinated by Professor Paul Warde. For further information about the programme see

    The Fellowships are not associated with a fellowship of a Cambridge college but can be combined with a non-stipendiary college fellowship. The stipend will be 35,326 Pound in the first year and subject to increments in subsequent years. The position is pensionable. An allowance will be available towards relocation costs.

    Any offer of employment will be subject to the applicant holding the right to work in the UK. If you require a visa to work in the UK and have completed a PhD you may be eligible for the Global Talent visa. Applicants are responsible for applying for the Global Talent visa themselves. The Centre for History and Economics may be able to assist the successful candidate in obtaining a Skilled Worker visa, if required.

    The fellowships are intended for outstanding researchers early in their career. A successful candidate is expected to be completing or to have completed a PhD.

    The fellows appointed will be expected to undertake research in the general fields of economic and environmental history, broadly defined. We encourage applications from scholars whose interests may include labour, legal, material or transnational history. Applications are welcomed from scholars working on any part of the world or any period. The fellow will participate in the seminars and conferences arranged in connection with the programme and will have the opportunity to organize meetings and workshops on subjects related to her/his own research. The fellow will be invited to the Centre for History and Economics – Paris in the course of the fellowships and will have the possibility of visiting the Joint Center for History and Economics at Harvard University.

    The applicants are asked to complete an online application form and submit through the application portal with a curriculum vitae and a statement of research interests (up to 1000 words). They should also nominate two referees through the online referee nomination portal. It is the responsibility of candidates to ensure that referees submit letters of recommendation by the closing date of the competition. The deadline for receipt of applications and letters of recommendation is 23.59 BST on Friday 29 September 2023. Interviews are expected to take place by Zoom in early December 2023.

    Long-listed candidates will be informed by mid-October and asked to provide up to two samples of writing within a week. These should be the length of a typical article or book/dissertation chapter. Candidates shortlisted for interview will be informed by mid-November.

    The Centre for History and Economics follows an equal opportunities policy.

    Link to the application portal:

    Link to the referee nomination portal: